Being a parent is one of the most difficult occupations that anyone can ever continue. It is important that you can understand and practice the skills needed to be the best parent you can be for your child. You are the best resource and role of your child’s resource and role. There are actually several types of parental styles used by parents with their children.
The first among the types of parenting, I will present today is called authoritarian parenting. In this parental style, parents generally have high expectations about their children complying and complying with the rules they have set for them at home, school and in the community. The problem of this type of parenthood is that the rules and directions granted by parents change with the situation or whenever parents feel like they change them. This can create an atmosphere of uncertainty for children. They do not know what to expect. Most of the children who grew up with parents who have used this type of parent style have lived in fear. Children are generally withdrawn socially and have less self-confidence than those children raised by parents who have used other types of parent styles. They usually leave the house at a younger age, use drugs and mingle with a partner whose parents disapprove. They often become totally separated from their parents when they become adults.
The second of the types of parenting for the discussion here is permissive parenthood. This parenting style is usually characterized by a goal of a harmonious and loving relationship between the parent and the child. However, there is usually weak expectations of behavior because the parent is afraid to use discipline. A permissive parent often has the desire of his child to love or be satisfied with the parent at the end of the day. As a result, the parent does everything the child wants. Children who have been raised by too permissive parents generally suffer from immaturity, lack of concentration and emotional self-regulation issues. The children of these parents can not frequently control the impulses and are unable to accept responsibility for their own actions. When they have problems, they tend to blame other people. They generally live near where they grew up and remain dependent even in adulthood.
Neglingent parenting would be the third among the types of parenting styles for reflection. It is essentially a notch more extreme than permissive parenthood, but contains some of the same characteristics. A negligent parent could be able to provide shelter, food and other basic needs of her child, but is usually emotionally unnecessary in the child’s life. Neggent parents do not usually ask their children what happened at school and in the other things they are committed. Most of the time, careless parents grow up with a feeling of resentment against their parents and become separated from them to adulthood.
With this information as food for thought, balance and authenticity are key elements to consider in good parenting.
Consider the following:
• Allow children to talk about your rules and expectations
• Create rules are equitable, clear and based on the child’s development stage.
• create limits and limits that deeply help your child safely
• Explain your rules, your boundaries, your borders and reasons for the reasons (repeatedly, if necessary)
• Verbalize the rules often
• Teach decision-making
• Honor your child’s efforts with self-sufficiency
• Teach and explain the natural consequences as part of “cause and effect”
• Determine your parental goal
• To be comprehensive
• Listen
To your parental success!
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